Buy your new or used car from home. Today!

Our fully responsive website means you can find your perfect vehicle whether you’re at home or on the move.

Step 1. Find

Find your ideal car and enquire by phone, email or through our website. Our team will arrange a call . We will also send you a personalised video of the car & additional photographs.

Step 2. Order

Once you’ve found the right car, you can choose to pay for the car on and you can also apply for finance. Your dedicated sales specialist can guide you though the necessary documentation

Step 3. Drive

Once everything is complete we will arrange a collection appointment/ nationwide delivery for you.

On the day of your appointment, your new car will be thoroughly sanitised and parked in a designated bay at our premises in Ardcavan , Wexford Y25 EA07 Call in at the appointed time to pick up your new keys which will be in a sealed and cleaned bag.

If you have any questions on your vehicle after you collect it we can arrange another video call to discuss any specific features in more detail.